Updated: March 1, 2022 Following CDC recommendations, masks are now optional at Redeemer services and events. Please stay home if you are feeling sick and continue standard hand washing/sanitizing practices to prevent the spread of disease. We encourage all eligible individuals to consider vaccination to protect themselves and those around them. If you need help finding a vaccination site, please CLICK HERE.
Redeemer Lutheran Church - General Health Policy
We want all people to be and feel safe in joyful worship with us.
Redeemer will work to be in compliance with local Laws, regulations, ordinances, as long as the local laws do not contradict Christian sensibilities (Common knowledge citations: Romans 13, Titus 3, 1 Peter 2)
Redeemer will work to be conscious of our fellow Christian's personal sensibilities, so that as Christians we do not put obstacles in the way of others coming to worship (2 Corinthians 6, et al)
The future holds unknowable concerns not only for mutations of COVID-19, but also for cold-and-flu seasons, and other diseases.
For COVID-19, vaccines are now available for all people age 5 and over. We recognize some are not receiving vaccinations for many reasons. We encourage all to work with their Primary Care Physician to sort out what is best for them and their families. If you have ethical concerns, please reach out to the Pastor or a Deacon.
As a loving, Christian Community we ask everyone to exercise personal conscience in taking care of not only their own health, but also those around them who may be vulnerable.
If you feel sick, stay home. Contact a Deacon or the Pastor to let us know how we might help.
If you have special health concerns that you think we might accommodate -- tell a Deacon or the Pastor.
If you see something you think we can improve or should consider, please contact your Council President or Vice President so that we might address the issue.
Additional Information:
Hand sanitizer is readily available at all service locations.
Wearing of masks is optional.
Capacity limitations and physical spacing have been discontinued.