
News and Announcements are published on Friday each week.

The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Jeremiah 23:1-6Ephesians 2:11-22Mark 6:30-44 

Hymns: 709645642699



KFUO is a radio station owned and operated by the LCMS.  It’s based in St. Louis, syndicated on other radio stations, and available via podcast and online at KFUO.org.  It offers music, daily worship, and talk shows (including appearances by our own Pastor Sandeno).  Celebrating 100 years, KFUO is the longest continually owned-operated religious broadcast station in the world.  

Short term missionary opportunities.  Do you have building and renovation skills, accounting and finance experience, or a medical background?  There are many opportunities to serve on a mission team or as an individual.  Go to servenow.lcms.org to check out mission opportunities.

What opportunities will you have to share your faith this summer?  Every One His Witness teaches how to witness to our nonchurched friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family members. Using the LASSIE approach to witnessing (listen, ask, seek, share, invite, and encourage), we learn how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a natural way with people who are part of our everyday lives. Check it out on Facebook at LCMSE1HW


Cressey Road – Cressey Road Church at 81 Cressey Road in Gorham is collecting clothes of any kind for the indigent in the community. It is done 9-noon on the first and third Saturdays. 

Gorham Backpack Program - Our friend Heather Whitaker, at present is feeding at least 110 families in Gorham through the BackPack Program. Much of the food is coming from the Gorham food Pantry and they are soliciting direct cash donations. If anyone would like to support them you can make a donation at their website gorhamfoodpantry.org.  

MAP INTERNATIONAL is a Christian based organization that provides medical care and antibiotics to people in 91 nations. Every $10 donated generates $400 worth of medicine. To make a donation MAP INTERNATIONAL p.o box 96487 Washington D.C 20077 or map.org on line 

If you need anything (rides, supplies, medicine pickups) or any assistance please feel free to contact Sandy or Tom DiPasqua at 207-883-2730 or tjdipasqua@aol.com.  

Life Together

Please remember to fill your Mites boxes to help with all the new LWML – NED mission grants.   Redeemer has been blessed to receive two grants.  Click on this LINK to view the July issue of the LWML-NED newsletter.

Looking for hosts for our coffee hours following service. Sign up on the Fellowship Board near Pastor’s office. This can be one family or several families.  

A Life Thought in the Church Year for July 21 – Pentecost IX (Proper 11B): The world wants to discriminate between lives it finds worthy and ones it regards as undeserving. The coming of Christ Jesus has brought about something better – reconciliation that has dissolved all division and abolished hostility in God’s forgiveness and fellowship (Ephesians 2:14-17). His kingdom leaves neither need nor room for discounting anyone because of shade, shape, sex, age, income, education, or residence.

A Stewardship Thought for July 21 – Proper 11 Ephesians 2:13 – “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” What all of mankind’s efforts, works and scheming could not do, the blood of Christ did: We have peace with God, and we are brought near to the Father. This life-giving sacrifice of Christ sets the pattern for the sacrifices we are called to make for others in our vocations in home, church and society.

LOOKING FORWARD TO SUNDAY MORNING… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken.  You can listen to weekly studies of the Biblical texts, prayers and hymns of the day.  Pastor Sean Daenzer of LCMS Worship leads us through the three-year lectionary.  Pastor Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever” leads us through the one-year lectionary.  You can listen at your convenience at issuesetc.org, the LPR mobile app, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple HomePod, TuneIn or a podcast provider.


Newsletter Deadline – If you wish to contribute to the August church newsletter, please email your submission to the church office by July 22

All announcements and prayer requests received in the church office by noon on Thursday will appear in print that week in Friday’s email. If there is an announcement that you would like Pastor to make following Sunday’s FB live stream, please email him that information.


Looking Forward to The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Genesis 9:8-17Ephesians 3:14-21Mark 6:45-56 

Hymns: 809717618917




The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Genesis 9:8-17Ephesians 3:14-21Mark 6:45-56 

Hymns: 809717618, 917



KFUO is a radio station owned and operated by the LCMS.  It’s based in St. Louis, syndicated on other radio stations, and available via podcast and online at KFUO.org.  It offers music, daily worship, and talk shows (including appearances by our own Pastor Sandeno).  Celebrating 100 years, KFUO is the longest continually owned-operated religious broadcast station in the world.  

Short term missionary opportunities.  Do you have building and renovation skills, accounting and finance experience, or a medical background?  There are many opportunities to serve on a mission team or as an individual.  Go to servenow.lcms.org to check out mission opportunities.

What opportunities will you have to share your faith this summer?  Every One His Witness teaches how to witness to our nonchurched friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family members. Using the LASSIE approach to witnessing (listen, ask, seek, share, invite, and encourage), we learn how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a natural way with people who are part of our everyday lives. Check it out on Facebook at LCMSE1HW


Cressey Road – Cressey Road Church at 81 Cressey Road in Gorham is collecting clothes of any kind for the indigent in the community. It is done 9-noon on the first and third Saturdays. 

Gorham Backpack Program - Our friend Heather Whitaker, at present is feeding at least 110 families in Gorham through the BackPack Program. Much of the food is coming from the Gorham food Pantry and they are soliciting direct cash donations. If anyone would like to support them you can make a donation at their website gorhamfoodpantry.org.  

MAP INTERNATIONAL is a Christian based organization that provides medical care and antibiotics to people in 91 nations. Every $10 donated generates $400 worth of medicine. To make a donation MAP INTERNATIONAL p.o box 96487 Washington D.C 20077 or map.org on line 

If you need anything (rides, supplies, medicine pickups) or any assistance please feel free to contact Sandy or Tom DiPasqua at 207-883-2730 or tjdipasqua@aol.com.  

Life Together

Please remember to fill your Mites boxes to help with all the new LWML – NED mission grants.   Redeemer has been blessed to receive two grants. 

Looking for hosts for our coffee hours following service. Sign up on the Fellowship Board near Pastor’s office. This can be one family or several families.  

A Life Thought in the Church Year for July 28 – Pentecost X (Proper 12B): Fatherhood embodies the gift and the work of God Himself (Ephesians 3:15). In bringing forth life from their very bodies, our Heavenly Father makes men into His instruments and agents. He expects a strong love from them because He has endowed them with His own. Let us encourage them to protect their children even when inconvenient and provide for mothers even if difficult.

A Stewardship Thought July 28 – Proper 12 Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think ...” We often shortchange God by failing to remember what Paul says here: God can do far more than what we can think or ask. His power, and His love, are without bound and without measure. So why do we fear to follow His Word? Isn’t it in fact fear that keeps us back from a life of joyous generosity and open-handedness? But God is able to do everything far more abundantly! So let us not be afraid to take the Lord at His Word and live according to it.

UNANSWERED BIBLE QUESTIONS… Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio, will have Pastors Bryan Wolfmueller and Brian Kachelmeier respond to your unanswered Bible questions.  You can submit your question via email: talkback@issuesetc.org, Facebook: facebook.com/issuesetc, or the Issues, Etc. Comment Line: (618) 223-8382.  You can listen to the interview at your convenience at issuesetc.org, the LPR mobile app or a podcast provider.


Newsletter Deadline – If you wish to contribute to the August church newsletter, please email your submission to the church office by August 22

All announcements and prayer requests received in the church office by noon on Thursday will appear in print that week in Friday’s email. If there is an announcement that you would like Pastor to make following Sunday’s FB live stream, please email him that information.


Looking Forward to The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Exodus 16:2-15Ephesians 4:1-16John 6:22-35 

Hymns: 644645636662



